Spiritual Certified Classes

Foundations Class 

This is the entry-level class in the study of the Science of Mind. You will be introduced to the basics of the Science of Mind, Meditation, Spiritual Mind Treatment, Visioning and other Universal Spiritual Principles and Practices.

Each week will consist of the exploration of spiritual principles and spiritual practices that support those principles. You will learn to use the creative process as well as powerful and practical tools to “change your thinking, change your life” and you’ll experience this adventure with like-minded people from all over the world.

In addition to reading and writing exercises each week, there are guided meditations and exercises to assist you in applying, embracing and incorporating Science of Mind Principles in your own life.

Essential Ernest Holmes

This class delves into all of Ernest Holmes’ writing, feasting on his quiet, devotional writings as well as his impassioned teaching for future leaders. His love of people, and his facility for seeing past their problems into the heart of their eternal being, blends modern psychology with humankind’s limitless ability to choose what to think and to feel, and therefore make changes in their lives.



Exploring Roots of Science of Mind 

The Roots of the Science of Mind is a transformational course and a fascinating journey through the minds of New Thought luminaries who greatly influenced Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science. Truth lives on through the works of the authors and spiritual pioneers that we study: Ralph Waldo Emerson, Judge Thomas Troward, and Emma Curtis Hopkins. You will deepen your understanding of the philosophical foundation of Religious Science and other New Thought teachings, and be inspired by the power of the written word. Of equal importance, we will focus on how these powerful teachings can be APPLIED today… in the laboratory of our lives.



Power of Your Word

Power of Your Word explores Spiritual Mind Treatment by examining each stage of treatment in depth. This course enhances and encourages the development of personal spiritual practice in life. In this class you will learn how to identify the underlying factors for effective prayer, describe prayer content and write affirmations and treatments that address personal desires and needs for yourself and others. On a personal level, you will learn how to identify any personal limiting beliefs and describe situations in which you interrupt your prayers. Power of Your Word explores what it means to pray continuously and aids in designing and/or deepening a spiritual practice that will continue to feed your spiritual life. Come discover the Power of Your Word.


Self-Mastery: The Emergence of the True Self

Evolve and emerge into the fullness of your True Self. Live an awakened life by conscious choices. Discover Love-Centered Wholeness by participating fully in the creative process. Deepen and strengthen your awareness of the magnificence of who you are by living a rich life of joy, love, creativity and abundance.

Self-Mastery is an experiential journey of deep discussion, powerful practices, fun exercises, and real results. You will explore the creative nature of thoughts, feelings, and beliefs as they show up in your life, and learn the art of living consciously and purposefully. By revealing and healing ideas that separate you from your divine nature, you can live in greater freedom as your authentic self, anchored in wholeness and grace.

“To realize that the Law of God is written in your own mind is to make available to you a power which can meet every need.”  (Ernest Holmes, This Thing Called Life)

**Foundations of Science of Mind is a required prerequisite for this class.

Creative Process and the Individual . The work of Thomas Troward

What is creativity? Without creative powers, humankind would still be living in caves, without any new ideas or advancement. It is in this class that we learn to harness the power of Creative Mind. With command of your creative powers, you can manifest your potential and offer your unique gifts to the world.

We are introduced to Thomas Troward in the Roots class, and this is an extension of his work. He is a master of bridging the inner world of thoughts and the physical universe. This course will expand your thinking and your world of possibilities. You do not need to have taken Roots to take this class.

**Foundations of Science of Mind is a suggested prerequisite for this class.

Practical Mysticism

This course is an exploration of mysticism, what it is and what it is not and provides the framework to live a more mystical life in present time.  All students have the opportunity to set a personal intention for their lives.  Emphasis is given to the practice of meditation and the practice of witnessing consciousness.

This course is ideal for those seeking to deepen their own awareness of the Divine reality in daily living.

**Foundations of Science of Mind is a required pre-requisite for this class

Mind-Body Connection

Mind-Body Connection continues to be the foundation of Science of Mind thinking and practices. This transformational course pulls powerful writings from The Science of Mind text, on the relationship between Mind and the well-being of the body (and body of affairs) and includes current thought from new science and other bodies of work. Materials from The Institute of HeartMath, and Dr. Bruce Lipton’s, The Biology of Belief are provided. This course integrates the leading concepts of the “heart-mind” to inform and guide the healing process. As we explore mind-body relationships, we follow the tradition of thousands of years of thinkers that have pondered this profound connection: from the ancient Greeks, early Chinese dynasties, indigenous tribes, Buddha, Jesus, mystical Jewish scholars, and Hindu and Muslim cultures.

The Mind-Body Connection is one of the most practical understandings we can have – it enables us to live more effectively with a higher sense of well-being and confidence. It empowers us to create a lifestyle we want for ourselves, and to have a working relationship with our divinity.

**Foundations of Science of Mind is a suggested prerequisite for this class, but is not required.

This Thing Called You

This class was created to deepen your understanding that you are an individualized expression of God.

Topics of exploration include:

  • co-creation
  • the power of belief
  • your inner authority
  • how to increase your faith.

Explore and experience your spirituality in new ways and apply it to your daily life!


This course is much more than a how-to class. Visioning is a powerful spiritual practice that transforms our lives as we participate in it. We come together with open hearts and minds to increase our understanding of visioning and experience its transformative power.

What the Mystics Knew

What the Mystics Knew is an eight week journey through the deeper realms of New Thought Mysticism. From Plato to Dr. Ernest Holmes students will explore the foundations of mysticism, and look at the practices of living a mystical life.

**Foundations of Science of Mind is a suggested pre-requisite for this class, but is not required.


Spiritual Economics

Participating in this transformational class provides students with an opportunity to deeper their understanding of the basic metaphysical principles which govern
our financial wellness and how to apply these principles in his/her own life to heal any limitation which may exist.


Prosperity Plus

Prosperity Plus is a dynamic 10 week program that teaches a new way of living centered on the spiritual practices of an abundant life! The curriculum, created by Mary Morrissey, teaches how to move from fear, scarcity and limited thinking to a life full of possibility, prosperity and promise.  Through the study and application of these prosperity teachings, you have the opportunity to create the quantum shift necessary to open doors to new levels of abundance in all areas of your life!



To Inquire or Register for a class: Email [email protected]